Top 10k strings from 3D Pacman (1983)(Freddy Kristiansen).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /
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4 xuu05451515450uur 4 85451%15452 2 >92 Z2!Z2"Z2#Z>:2$Z2%Z2EZ2eZ>>2 2 2PI2PJ2PK2PL2PM2PN 2 2OD2OG><2OE2OF 2 20O2PH2pH2PO> 2 20M20N2pJ2pI> 2 2.O2NH2nH2NO>?2NI2NJ2NK2NL2NM2NN> 2 2.M2.N2nJ2nI> 2 "3D-Pacman" 2 SCREEN:000 2 PILLS :000 2 %),./:6310 1 oJ2oK2oL>~2/J2oM> 1 You have three conditions : 1 Use arrow keys to find letter and press ENTER. (3 letters) 1 The flashing dots in the white rooms, are off course the power pills. A pill can be in five colours, which all give points A magenta or a blue pill gives 10 points. A yellow or a red pill gives 20 points, and a 1 Kempston Joystick ? 1 GREAT SCORE 1 F2.H2.I2.J2/H2/I20H20I20J2nM2nN2nO2oN2oO2pM2pN2pO 1 DIRECTION: 1 CONDITION: 1 3 You control your PACMAN as the following : If you press '5' youwill turn to the left, without moving. If you press '8' you will turn to the right, '6' and you will turn all the way aroundand as the last key '7', you walk one step forward. 1 2O@2OA2OB2OC2 1 2/K2/L2/M2/N2/O2OH2OI2OJ2OK2OL2OM2ON2OO2oH2oI2oJ2oK2oL>~2/J2oM> 1 2/K2/L2/M2/N2/O2OH2OI2OJ2OK2OL2OM2ON2OO2oH2oI 1 , Press ENTER when finished 1 , 3D-Pacman is a new sort of the game type : EAT'EM UP. 1 * Press ENTER and enjoy yourself!! 1 white pill gives 30 points. 1 You will bee placed in a maze, which you will see in a moment, however, in the game you will not see the maze from the top, but from your position, in 3D!! As in the normal pacman you musteat a number of pills, and avoidthe monsters. The maze is build up in different colours, so thatyou better can locate yourself. In a moment you will see the maze from the top with all the colours and a flashing star in your start position. 1 When you have finished gambling you will hear something amazing from the loudspeaker. Yes it is true, your Spectrum TALKS, it says 'GAME OVER', and if you have a new great score it will say 'GREAT SCORE'. 1 To locate yourself in the maze you have the colours, and a 1 RED:Alert, the monsters are nearGREEN:Everything is OK 1 RADAR, that shows you and the monsters, if any ! 1 Press I:Instructions P:Play 1 INSTRUCTIONS 1 BLUE:You can eat the monsters The rest of your instruments arequite simple. 1 1983, By Freddy Kristiansen